Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Mustaches For Maddie

Mustaches for Maddie by Chad Morris and Shelly Brown is a true story based on a twelve year old girl. 
Twelve year old Maddie loves making people laugh and slapping on mustaches whenever she has the chance. When she gets noticed by the class queen, Cassie, they both become friends quickly. Maddie meets more friends but can't help feeling bad for Lexi, a new girl who eats lunch alone and plays at recess with no one. Maddie wants to play with Lexi but Cassie doesn't. Maddie gets the lead role as Juliet in the school play and Cassie isn't happy because she wanted the part. When Maddie starts tripping and can't move her arm and leg her mother takes Maddie to a doctor were she is diagnosed with a brain tumor. Maddie doesn't want anyone to know, especially Cassie who has started bullying her. As Maddie's brain tumor surgery approaches she starts to get more and more nervous. Will Maddie be back in time for the school play? What if the doctor can't remove her brain tumor? Will Maddie go over to Lexi and make friends with her? I recommend this book to 4th graders and up. 

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